Blaire Postman: Struggling Chartist
is an uproarious solo show that combines Postman's signature flip chart stand up comedy, running commentary about her life with long-undiagnosed A.D.D., and the lessons learned where the two intersect.
The show is directed by Chelsea Shorte and is Improbable Comedy's first return to in-person shows Silver Spring Black Box June 30 7:30pm
Support The Show
We have some great ways for you to help the show and have some fun along the way. If you know Blaire, this will all make sense. If you don't get these references, definitely come see the show!!!
For more information, reach out to us here.
Friend of Blaire
Can’t make it to the show
but want to show some love?
For a contribution of $15,
we will thank you with:
a mini tire pressure gauge keychain that says, conveniently, “Not a Drug Pipe.”
you get a spot in our program to give a 6 word answer to “How I know Blaire?” (wrong answers encouraged).
Ticket buyers can add this to their ticket as well. Thanks for your support!!
Interplanet Janet
Want to explore the galaxy
as part of our Comet Team?
For a contribution of $250
we will thank you with:
2 tickets to the show,
your logo or name on our website,
a thank you in our program,
inclusion in an email campaign,
an invitation to our Struggling Chartist after party
AND a mini tire pressure gauge keychain that says, conveniently, “Not a Drug Pipe.”
Thanks for your support!!
Carol Channing
Support the show and honor this lady who said "Laughter is more important than applause."
For a contribution of $500,
we will thank you with:
4 tickets to the show,
your logo or name on our website,
a thank you in our program,
inclusion in two email campaigns,
an invitation to our Struggling Chartist after party, including drink tickets
a special flip-chart made by Blaire just for you
AND a mini tire pressure gauge keychain that says, conveniently, “Not a Drug Pipe.”
Thanks for your support!!